Worthington Fly Fishing is a family operated guide service stemming from a passion for fly fishing and a love of sharing the rivers, fish, and wild places we are fortunate to have in our backyard. We operate out of Ashland, Oregon which allows us easy access to the best rivers and fisheries the state of Jefferson has to offer. You’ll find spending a day on the water with us is fun, easy and you’re well taken care of. Our expertise and competence as river guides is immediately evident, allowing you to get the most out of your fishing trip and soak up the entire experience. Our guests often return year after year, and while we begin our fishing trips as acquaintances, we hope you’ll leave as friends.
Tight Lines,
Brandon & Bridget
Brandon Worthington
The head guide for Worthington Fly Fishing, Brandon spends over 250 days a year on our local waters and has made it his top priority to understand the intricacies of our regions fisheries. With a bachelor’s degree in Outdoor Adventure Leadership, a Wilderness First Responder and certifications in Advanced Swift Water Rescue and High Angle Rope Rescue, he is dedicated to the continued professionalism of the guiding industry and refinement of his craft. Brandon’s energy and passion for guiding is evident every day he spends with our guests.
Bridget Worthington
Bridget’s path in the fisheries world led her to work in Salmon restoration on the San Joaquin River in California, aquaculture in Washington state, hatchery and field work across Oregon and research in Alaska. Bridget’s fisheries knowledge and business aptitude keeps the wheels turning while the guides are on the water. She’s also packs her signature WorthingtonEats lunches for our fishing days!
A last thought
We know fly fishing is often viewed as an exclusive activity, but we don’t quite see it that way. Certainly many of our clients are accomplished and traveled anglers, but it’s important to note that everyones fishing journey begins with a first cast, a first river trip and hopefully, a first fish. We are more then happy to introduce you to the world of fly fishing and meet you where you are at with encouraging insight and helpful guidance and teaching. Our hope is to foster a life long love of fly fishing, the outdoors and reverence for the wild places in the world.